Saturday, September 5, 2009

August Birthstone

August Birthstone
Peridot Or Sardonyx.

August birthstone is peridot/Sardonyx......
For thousands of years, these two ancient gems have symbolized courage for those born in August. Transparent lime-green peridot has been a favorite of women since Queen Cleopatra's time. And the opaque red-brown sardo.


Peridot is a gemstone variety of the mineral olivine, a silicate formed with magnesium and iron and commonly found amongst basalts (lava rock). The crystal system is orthorhombic with a hardness slightly less than quartz. Peridot is the birthstone for August and the Leo zodiac sign.
Astrologers have assigned particular gemstones to each month of the year. Read on to know more about Peridot, the August birthstone.
If fire appears to leap from the vibrant green surface of the Peridot, this may be because this gem is formed as a result of volcanic activity. Many years ago, natives discovered Peridot crystals in the black sands of Hawaii, explaining their presence as tears shed by Pele, the volcano goddess. Throughout history, August's birthstone has been used as a means to connect with nature. Early Egyptian priests drank a stimulating beverage called Soma from cups made of Peridot, believing this practice to draw them closer to Isis, the goddess of nature.
The name Peridot comes from the Arabic word "faridat," meaning gem. Ancient Egyptians called them the "gem of the sun," because of their dazzling brilliance when seen in the desert sun. It was believed that the Peridot glowed with light even as darkness fell, which is why miners were said to have scouted for these gems during the night, marking their location, and returning in the light of day to retrieve them.
The force of nature is alive within a Peridot, making a gift of this gemstone symbolic of vitality. It signifies strength, both individual and within a relationship, as well as the promise of new growth in years ahead.


Sardonyx is the traditional August Birthstone. It is an opaque mineral from the very large quartz family and more specifically, it is an onyx. While black onyx has black bands that are often hard to detect because they are all black, the layered colored bands of Sardonyx are shades of white and red. The name Sardonyx comes from the Greek word Sard meaning reddish brown.
Sard is a brownish mineral, and when it forms together with the straight white bands of onyx, the resulting stone is called Sardonyx. Sardonyx is a banded variety of chalcedony which is cryptocrystalline quartz. Some Sardonyx is natural but much is produced by the staining of Agate.
Sardonyx is considered to offer protection and strength to its wearer. A gift of this stone is symbolic of a committed and happy relationship.